How To Set Yourself Up For Success With A Good Online & Social Media Presence
Foundation Basics
Google Yourself
Consistency Across All Social Media Platforms
Linkedin Bio Specifics
Facebook Bio Specifics
Twitter Bio Specifics
Instagram Bio Specifics
Tiktok Bio Specific
Scrub Your Profiles to Ensure relevant info on them
Look at any old videos on like Youtube decide if you want to make public or private
If you have anything super negative online that could impact your ability to appear credible consider hiring a PR reputation manager company or take a course on how to fix these items
If you have anything super negative online that could impact your ability to appear credible consider hiring a PR reputation manager company or take a course on how to fix these items
Your Audience & Content
Identify your audience
Create content with value
Post regularly
Create a social media schedule
Automating your posting
If you don't have enough content, Add 10 pieces of content that is relevant to each social media platform
Be human/vulnerable
Build Relationships not followers
Focus on supporting not selling
Live Class: Facebook 7 Touch Series
How to organically get in front a whole bunch of new ideal clients and close sales through Facebook
October 6 Live Class: Facebook 7 Touch Series
How To Create A Friends List
How To Add A Person To Your Friends List
Places to Find Good Content
Six Attributes of an Authentic Sales Conversation (Sales Script)
300 Social Memes
318 Social Media Prompts
Live Class: How to Get Booked On Podcasts
How to organically get in front a whole bunch of new ideal clients and close sales through Podcasts
November 10 Live Class: How to Get Booked On Podcasts
Tracking Podcast Sheet
Business Podcast List
30 Podcast 30 Days
How to Sell on Facebook Lives
How To Sell On Facebook Lives
Get More Clients During The Holidays Bonus
119 word script
9 Word Email
Cause Marketing On Steroids
Live Class: Massive Visibility With Instagram
How to organically get in front a whole bunch of new ideal clients and close sales through Instagram
December Live Class: Massive Visibility With Instagram
Instagram Hashtag Tools
Instagram Automation Tools
Instagram Shortcuts to Grow Super Fast
Instagram Photo Editing Tools
Live Class: Facebook posts to get clients (including juicy candy posts)
January Live Class: Facebook posts to get clients (including juicy candy posts)